Samuel Chong
Topic(s): Promoting Peace, Fighting Disease, Protecting the environment, International service, A product or local business you wish to promote, – Wellness, Resilience and Mindset, – Leadership and Positive Change, – Health and Wellbeing, – Spirituality and Near Death Experiences, – Extraterrestrials (ETs), Ancient Mysteries, and Esoteric Knowledge
Job Title: Motivational and Keynote Speaker
Company:ChinaSona Foundation
Availability: South Orange County, North Orange County, Central Orange County, Southern Los Angeles County, Virtual (Zoom or other)
Summary of the presentation:
Secrets Kept on Wellness, Resilience, and Mindset
Wellness: Secrets of the “Fountain of Youth,” the human energy fields, food, nutrition, and vibrational medicine, the importance of having a positive mood, and techniques of meditation
Resilience: Secrets of overcoming challenges, the meaning of life, responding to obstacles with a positive mentality, looking at difficult issues in a holistic way
Mindset: Secrets of the subconscious mind, knowledge from the spiritual gurus, the secret of success in life, and the power of attraction
Secrets Kept on Leadership and Positive Change
Leadership and Positive Change: Secrets of communication, looking up, speaking up, teaming up, and never giving up. Problem solving tips, and embracing changes in management and life.
Secrets Kept on Health and Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing: Secret root causes of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease. The secrets of having a good diet and nutrition. The secret of managing stress through breathing exercises, yoga, and letting it go.
Secrets Kept on Spirituality and Near Death Experiences
Spirituality: The secrets of the teachings of Christ (to love, be humble, relate to God on our own, be seekers of knowledge, and grow spiritually)
Near Death Experiences: Holographic life review after death, self evaluation, spiritual lessons to be learned in the next reincarnation, and the reasons some people are allowed to go back
Secrets Kept on Extraterrestrials (ETs), Ancient Mysteries, and Esoteric Knowledge
Extraterrestrials (ETs): Secrets of ancient ET visits, ET interventions as documented in the Bible, levels of ET civilizations, retrievals of crashed UFOs or UAPs based on congressional testimonies
Ancient Mysteries: Secrets of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis, the statues on Eastern Island
Esoteric Knowledge: Secrets of levitation, telepathy, manifestation of objects, Qigong, acupuncture, and herbal medicines.
Contact info:
Home: 6264878909
Cell: 6264878909
Website: https://chinasona.org/speakers/
Social Media:
Twitter: https://x.com/goodtranslator
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samuel.chong.737
last edited: September 27, 2024 at 8:24 pm by Chong Samuel