Richard Rosen
Topic(s): Supporting education
Job Title: Literacy Chairman Rotary District 6440
Company:Member of Wheeling IL Rotary Club
Availability: South Orange County, North Orange County, Central Orange County, Southern Los Angeles County, Virtual (Zoom or other)
Summary of the presentation:
There is a clear cause to effect relationship between literacy versus crime and poverty. 2/3 of students who cannot read proficiently at 4th grade levels will end up in poverty and/or crime No matter what income level those who can read upon entering 5th grade, over 90% will graduate high school, many go onto college and end up as productive members in our community.
This presentation will show how your Rotary club can directly make a difference and impact to many households in their community who lack books and to the parents who lack the know how to teach their child essential literacy skills before entering kindergarten.
Contact info:
Email: rickrosen18@sbcglobal.net
Home: 847-215-6796
Social Media:
last edited: May 20, 2024 at 9:56 am by Rosen Richard