Fred Salas
Topic(s): The Ten Year Gift-Compelling, Insightful, Revolutionary…Organ Donation
Job Title: President
Company:Live Like Jack Foundation
Availability: South Orange County, North Orange County, Central Orange County, Southern Los Angeles County, Virtual (Zoom or other)
Summary of the presentation:
Fred’s compelling, and touchingly insightful presentation covers the unfamiliar history, as well as the daily minute-by- minute, life, and death challenges of Organ Transplantation in America. Fred’s intimate knowledge of the Donate Life organization and its revolutionary role in saving lives will enthrall your audiences, with his thought-provoking perceptions and, very often, life changing revelations.
In 2018 Fred’s 10-year-old son, Jack became an organ donor upon his passing from an asthma attack while at home. Within hours of Jack’s passing, his Honor Walk and his family’s last goodbyes, Jack saved the lives of three children, and two adults with his selfless organ donation.
Jack was a ten-year-old gift and his life was filled with faith, love, happiness, education, and adventure. Jack’s father will share valuable insight into the importance of becoming a registered organ donor as he lovingly shares a captivating look into Jack’s wonderful life-giving life.
“Live Love…Love Life…Give Life.”
Contact info:
Email: getswb@gmail.com
Cell: 562-367-1624
Office: 562-367-1624
Website: http://www.livelikejackfoundation.org
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JackSalasLiveLoveGive/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/livelikejack_foundation/
last edited: December 6, 2024 at 9:05 am by Salas Fred