
Garry Heath

Topic(s): District 5320 Presenter, DACDB, WordPress Websites (REMOTE ONLY)

Job Title: Wordpress Expert / DacDB
Company:Rotary 5320 Admin
Availability: Virtual (Zoom or other)

Summary of the presentation:

DACDB: Setting up club positions, Sending PMail, Reseting passwords, Integrating DACDB into your club’s website. Setting up and managing WordPress websites for Clubs. I am living in Idaho, and can provide presentations via ZOOM, GotoMeeting, Teams, for any other remote presentation system.

Contact info:
Email: garryheath@gmail.com
Website: https://garryheath.com

Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/garry.heath

last edited: October 29, 2023 at 4:10 pm by Heath Garry