Rotary Speakers

Jennifer Bassage Bonfil

Topic(s): Supporting education, Growing local economies

Job Title: Artistic Director
Company:The Wooden Floor
Availability: South Orange County, North Orange County, Central Orange County, Southern Los Angeles County

Summary of the presentation:

The mission of The Wooden Floor is to empower low-income youth to strengthen self-esteem, self-discipline, and their sense of accomplishment through dance, academic, and family programs. 100% of their students graduate high school on time and enroll in higher education. Jennifer is just the fourth Artistic Director in The Wooden Floor’s nearly 40-year history.

Jenn earned a MA in Dance Education from the University of Northern Colorado, a BFA in Dance Performance from Chapman University, a BSAI Pilates certification, and an Arts Management & Dance Training certificate from the José Limón Dance Foundation. Jenn danced professionally with Backhausdance for 13 years and served as their Educational Outreach Director for five. “My passion for dance education aligns with our mission in that we get to change lives and create successful human beings through dance. I love witnessing the success in the studio transform into accomplishments in life.”

Contact info:
Office: 714-541-8314

Social Media:

last edited: December 24, 2022 at 2:11 pm by Bassage Bonfil Jennifer